Customer on-boarding

  • Automated Workflow
  • Web Scanning
  • Alert & Notification
  • OCR & Full Text Indexing
  • Image Annotation
  • Encryption & Compression
  • Audit Logs
  • Version Control
  • Search & Retrieve
  • EKYC & CKYC Integration


eKYC solution provides access to list of services offered by UIDAI under Aadhaar verification and authentication processes. It also provide seamless integration of eKYC processes and data to 3rd party applications across the organization. SwiftDOCS-eKYC enables eKYC through various channels like web portal, mobility, kiosks and APIs.


Miscot's SwiftDOCS-CKYC solution is complied with mandatory requirements of RBI. !RDA/ and SEBI. It helps in maintaining uniform KYC data across various platforms and applications within organization. It also provide access to KYC data on CERSAI and on-board customer with CERSAI data.


SwiftD8 is secured and robust software solution to store Aadhaar data as per guidelines of UIDAI. SwiftD8 provides APIs to store, modify and purge Aadhaar data from 3rd party applications. SwiftD8 engine is capable of managing high volume of transactions.